
199th Committee Meeting of IEISGLC

IE(I)SGLC/ 2023-24 Dt: 08.12.2023
Minutes of the 199 Meeting of the Managing Committee of the Institution of Engineers (I) South Gujarat Local Centre held on November 30, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the Committee Room of the Mahida Bhavan, Surat. The attendance was as follows:
Present : 14
Absent : 4

The Chairman welcomed the present committee members. Leave of absence was granted to those who could not attend the meeting.

Item : 1
To confirm the minutes of 198th meeting of the Managing Committee of South Gujarat Local
Centre, The Institution of Engineers India held on September 30th , 2023 at 7.30PM in the Committee
Room of Mahida Bhavan Surat.

The Minutes of 198th meeting of the Managing Committee of South Gujarat Local Centre, The Institution of
Engineers India held on September 30th , 2023 at 7.30PM in the Committee Room of Mahida Bhavan Surat.
IEI, South Gujarat Local Centre were circulated to members. No comments have been received from any
members of the committee. The afore said minutes were confirmed.
Item: 2

Welcome New Committee Members for the Sessions 2023-2024 & 2024-2025.

Dr. Suryawanshi, Chairman have the great pleasure and honor of extending a hearty welcome to each and every one of welcomed on behalf of the Managing Committee of the Institution of Engineers (I) South Gujarat Local Center.

Item :3

To elect/select the members division wise in vacant seats of the managing committee for the sessions 2023-2024 & 2024-2025.
It was discuss and deliberated that to form a committee of four members 1) Dr. S. R. Surywanshi, Chairman 2) Er. Sandeep Dangi, Hon. Secretary 3) Dr. Jignesh Vaghasia, Imm. Past Chairman and 4) Prof. K. D. Panchal, Imm. Past Hon.Secretary is to empower for fill up nomination.
Item: 4

Resol: 4
To discuss about the future technical activities and to encourage the corporate members of IE(I) to organize various technical activities like seminar, workshop, conference under the banner of IE(I) South Gujarat Local Centre.
Every member has been encouraged by Hon. Secretary Er. Sandeep Dangi that each division would complete two technical activities every month. Furthermore, he invited each member to draft a proposal to present at the next committee meeting. Thrust and Emerging areas circulated in a IEISGLC Group.
Item :5

To plan for membership Drive Mission like AMIE, MIE, FIE, Student’s Chapter and life Institutional Membership.
It was discussed that for the membership drive to reach the membership level to get again the eligibility for a national council seat, members are motivated, and discussion was carried out. For the membership drive, it was also decided to contact colleges and industry and explain the privileges of different types of membership.
Item: 6
Any other item for the permission of the Chair : To Purchase latest mobile for office use.
It was resolved that to purchase latest mobile with Sim Card for office use.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks given by chairman IE(I) SGLC,Surat and a group photo.

(Mr. Sandeep Dangi)
Hon. Secretary IE(I) S.G.L.C. Surat

Copy To: The Chairman IE(I)SGLC,
All the members of the Executive Committee,
Secretary & Director General-Kolkata, Hon. Secretary, Gujarat State Centre Ahmedabad

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