
30/01/2015 – CITE Series Event 01: An Expert Talk on Design Thinking Approach in Engineering

About Design Thinking Approach in Engineering

The Product Development, Product Improvement, Cost Saving, Efficiency improvements are the needs of an hour for the national growth and global recognitions. Design Thinking is a new concept looking at problem and solving them through engineering skills and understanding. Engineering has, for long been at the forefront of the human quest for progress and solving its problems. However, in the 21st century as the age of mass production declines and as individual customization increases, the engineering needs to be redefined. What an individual thinks and feels about, will become the intangible and most important components of new goods in our economy. Innovation and technology in that era will be Human-Centric. Design thinking in engineering is to recalibrate engineering for future. It will be mind over matter era.

Design Thinking involve few important phases that encompasses:

  1. Understand your user through Empathy: seeing through other’s eyes, listening through other’s ears and feeling through other’s heart, e.g. I learned to give not because I have much but because I know how exactly it feels to have nothing.
  2. Identify problems through the Ideation: User activities, problem identifications and solutions.
  3. Refine through Product Development: using people emotions, purpose, experience, functions, features, components, prototyping, validation and so on.

An effective design is to change undesired situation into desired situation; means to find the solution for undesired/uncomfortable situation. Designs can be for:

a. Technical systems
b. Educational systems
c. Aesthetic systems
d. Legal systems
e. Social, religious or cultural systems
f. Theories, Models, and as where you think it to apply…!

Come, let  us all explore the newer concept – pedagogical change to bring in innovations through engineering…!


Brief Report of the event

The event took headstart sharp at time. The invited guests were welcomed on the dais by MOC Er. Mukund Master. Floral welcome and a token of remembrance were given to the dignitaries. Prof. (Dr) K. N. Mistry welcomed all with brief on the purpose of the event. Prof. Bhasker Vijaykumar Bhatt, (teach in Civil Engineering Department at SCET as well as mentors workshops for faculties at GTU) as Expert Speaker informed about the Design Thinking Approach that can drive the engineering projects, as well as products with innovation. The basic thought leads to a process that to make products/ plans/ projects user-friendly. Innovation is brought in by the process of Empathy (on user, for user) followed by Ideation (bringing in random thoughts together) and later on Product Development (first-hand idea about the concept on product). Further, he also explained on the GTU’s approach to bring in this approach as a subject for students (Remarkable, first of its kind of attempts in India). If the approach of Design Thinking works out well by students, through thorough understanding, Gujarat will start contributing towards remarkable engineering education.

Er. Mukund invited panelists for their views on which Chairman Dr. K. N. Mistry summed up. Chief Guest Dr. N. C. Shah enlightened on the need for hard work by engineers. Secretary Dr. Atul Shah thanked all on behalf of IE(I)-SGLC for remaining present in large numbers.

With national anthem, the event was called over. Following are some of the snaps from the event…!

Dr K N Mistry welcoming

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